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  1. Csonka of Brinks 30R4 - Telpara Hills Brangus


    Csonka of Brinks 30R4 has been used heavily by Telpara Hills in their Brangus breeding program.

  2. Csonka ‹ GENETRUST BrangusGENETRUST Brangus


    Well-known progeny include the $50,000 LTD of Brinks 415T28, ... Csonka has proven he can. You find his...

  3. Information on Csonka of Brinks 30R4 ... The information provided in the bull semen directory is provided...

  4. Brangus EBV Graph for CSONKA OF BRINKS 30R4...

    www.absglobal.com/Websites/absglobal/images/ABS Global...

    CSONKA OF BRINKS 30R4 Owned by “The Oaks Farms’, GA All The Power You’ll Need ... • Csonka’s first...

  5. Csonka of Brinks Bull for sale. 102X10 “Sold” DOB 12/21/2010 This bull was sired by Csonka of Brinks. ...

  6. Csonka of Brinks | Haynes Farms Brangus


    Other sires that we used were Csonka, Jesse, Blackhawk, and Brinks CEO 468N17. Csonka and his Lead Gun...

  7. LTD of Brinks 415T28 - American Marketing Services


    LTD of Brinks 415T28 is an outstanding producing calving ease sire out of multiple trait leader, Csonka....

  8. Csonka of Brinks – Starwood Ranch


    Mindy Schultz of Princeton High school shown in photo at the Collin County Show in McKinney Texas with...

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